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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 38


71122Engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities


71122Aerial photography for cartographic and spatial activity purposes
71122Aerial survey
71122Borehole surveying
71122Boundary surveying activities
71122Cartographic and spatial information activities
71122Chartered surveyor
71122Core preparation and analysis activities
71122Crude oil exploration
71122Digital mapping activities
71122Dimensional survey activities
71122Exploration for gas or oil
71122Fire and explosion protection and control consultancy activities
71122Geodetic surveying activities
71122Geological and prospecting activities
71122Geological surveying for petroleum or natural gas (not geological consultancy)
71122Geologist (consultant)
71122Geophysical consultancy activities (engineering related)
71122Geophysical, geologic and seismic surveying
71122Health and safety and other hazard protection and control consultancy activities
71122Hydrographic surveying activities
71122Hydrologic surveying activities
71122Land surveying activities
71122Land surveyor (not valuer)
71122Magnetometric (subsurface ) surveying activities
71122Micropalaeontogical analysis activities
71122Mineral surveyor
71122Natural gas exploration
71122Petroleum exploration
71122Petroleum geologist
71122Petrophysical interpretation activities
71122Seismic surveying for petroleum
71122Sewage treatment consultancy activities
71122Sub-surface surveying activities
71122Surveying activities (industrial and engineering)
71122Surveyor (other than valuer)
71122Telecommunications consultancy activities
71122Water divining and other scientific prospecting activities