55209 | Apartment letting (self catering) other than holiday centres and holiday villages or youth hostels |
55209 | Chalets, not holiday centres, holiday villages or youth hostels (self catering short-stay lodging) |
55209 | Children's and other holiday homes |
55209 | Cottages, not in holiday centres, holiday villages, youth hostels (self catering short-stay lodging) |
55209 | Farmhouse short stay accommodation |
55209 | Flats, not in holiday centres, holiday villages or youth hostels (self catering short-stay lodging) |
55209 | Guest house (licensed) |
55209 | Guest house (unlicensed) |
55209 | Holiday home (not charitable) |
55209 | Hydro (accommodation) |
55209 | Inns with letting rooms (short-stay lodgings) |
55209 | |