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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 53


26400Manufacture of consumer electronics


26400Amplifier for audio separates (manufacture)
26400Amplifiers and sound amplifier sets (manufacture)
26400Audio separate (manufacture)
26400Cassette player (manufacture)
26400Cassette type recorders (manufacture)
26400Compact disc players (manufacture)
26400Dvd recorders and players (manufacture)
26400Earphone (manufacture)
26400Electronic games (domestic) (manufacture)
26400Electronic toys and games with replaceable software (manufacture)
26400Gramophone (manufacture)
26400Gramophone accessory (manufacture)
26400Gramophone cabinet (manufacture)
26400Headphones (manufacture)
26400Headset (not telecommunication type) (manufacture)
26400Hi-fi equipment (manufacture)
26400Jukeboxes (manufacture)
26400Karaoke machines (manufacture)
26400Loudspeaker (manufacture)
26400Magnetic recording head (manufacture)
26400Magnetic tape recorders (manufacture)
26400Megaphone (manufacture)
26400Microphone (manufacture)
26400Monitors for videos (manufacture)
26400Pick-up arm and cartridge for record player (manufacture)
26400Public address system (manufacture)
26400Public broadcasting equipment (manufacture)
26400Radio cabinets made of wood (manufacture)
26400Radio receiving set (manufacture)
26400Receivers for radio broadcasting (manufacture)
26400Receivers for television (manufacture)
26400Record player accessories (manufacture)
26400Record player cabinets made of wood (manufacture)
26400Record players (manufacture)
26400Record playing mechanism (manufacture)
26400Sound heads (manufacture)
26400Sound recording and reproducing equipment (manufacture)
26400Speaker systems (manufacture)
26400Stereo systems (manufacture)
26400Stylus for record player (manufacture)
26400Tables for turn-tables (manufacture)
26400Tape player and recorder (audio and visual) (manufacture)
26400Tape recorder cabinets made of wood (manufacture)
26400Television cabinets made of wood (manufacture)
26400Television monitors and displays (manufacture)
26400Tone arms (manufacture)
26400Tuner (audio separate) (manufacture)
26400Tuner for radio and television (other than audio separates) (manufacture)
26400Turn-tables (record decks) (manufacture)
26400Video game consoles (manufacture)
26400Video projector (manufacture)
26400Video recording or reproducing apparatus including camcorders (manufacture)