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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 30


25920Manufacture of light metal packaging


25920Aerosol cans made of metal (manufacture)
25920Barrels made of aluminium (manufacture)
25920Bottle tops made of metal (manufacture)
25920Boxes made of aluminium (manufacture)
25920Boxes made of metal (collapsible) (manufacture)
25920Cans and boxes made of aluminium (manufacture)
25920Cans and boxes made of tin (manufacture)
25920Cans for food products (manufacture)
25920Cans made of aluminium (manufacture)
25920Capsules made of metal (manufacture)
25920Casks made of aluminium (manufacture)
25920Churns made of aluminium (manufacture)
25920Closures made of metal (manufacture)
25920Containers made of foil (manufacture)
25920Crown cork (manufacture)
25920Drums made of aluminium (manufacture)
25920Foil containers made of aluminium (manufacture)
25920Kegs made of aluminium (manufacture)
25920Light metal packaging (manufacture)
25920Metallic closures (manufacture)
25920Milk churns made of aluminium (manufacture)
25920Pilfer-proof metal caps (manufacture)
25920Screw caps made of metal (manufacture)
25920Stoppers made of metal (manufacture)
25920Tins for food products (manufacture)
25920Tubes made of aluminium for packaging (collapsible) (manufacture)
25920Tubes made of metal (collapsible) (manufacture)
25920Tubular containers made of aluminium (manufacture)
25920Tubular containers made of metal (manufacture)