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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 108


25730Manufacture of tools


25730Adze (manufacture)
25730Agricultural hand tools, not power-driven (manufacture)
25730Agricultural knife (manufacture)
25730Anvils (manufacture)
25730Auger and auger bit (manufacture)
25730Axe (manufacture)
25730Bandsaw blades (manufacture)
25730Bench vice (manufacture)
25730Bit stock drill (manufacture)
25730Blacksmiths' tools (manufacture)
25730Blow lamp (manufacture)
25730Bolt cropper (manufacture)
25730Brazing lamp (manufacture)
25730Builders' knife (manufacture)
25730Carpenter's drill (manufacture)
25730Case opener (manufacture)
25730Chainsaw blades (manufacture)
25730Circular sawblades (manufacture)
25730Circular saws for all materials (manufacture)
25730Clamp (manufacture)
25730Cold chisel (manufacture)
25730Cramp (manufacture)
25730Cutting blades for machines or mechanical appliances (manufacture)
25730Diamond tipped tool (manufacture)
25730Die (press tool) (manufacture)
25730Die for machine tools (manufacture)
25730Die pellet (manufacture)
25730Draw knife (manufacture)
25730Drill tools (interchangeable) (manufacture)
25730File (hand tool) (manufacture)
25730Forges (manufacture)
25730Garden fork (manufacture)
25730Garden shears (manufacture)
25730Garden trowel (manufacture)
25730Glass cutter (manufacture)
25730Gouge (wood frame) (manufacture)
25730Hacksaw blades (manufacture)
25730Hammer (manufacture)
25730Hand tools (manufacture)
25730Handsaw (manufacture)
25730Hard metal tipped tools (manufacture)
25730Hatchet (manufacture)
25730Hoe (manufacture)
25730Interchangeable tools for dies (manufacture)
25730Knives for horticultural use (manufacture)
25730Knives for industrial use (manufacture)
25730Knives for machines (manufacture)
25730Knives for tradesmen (manufacture)
25730Lapping tools (manufacture)
25730Lathe tool (manufacture)
25730Machine tool interchangeable tools (manufacture)
25730Matchet (manufacture)
25730Mattock (manufacture)
25730Milling cutter (manufacture)
25730Mould (engineers' small tools) (manufacture)
25730Mould for foundry (manufacture)
25730Moulding machine for working rubber or plastics (manufacture)
25730Nippers (manufacture)
25730Pick (manufacture)
25730Pincers (manufacture)
25730Pipe cutters (manufacture)
25730Plane (manufacture)
25730Planer tool (manufacture)
25730Pliers (manufacture)
25730Portable forges (manufacture)
25730Press tool (manufacture)
25730Pruning shears (manufacture)
25730Punches for hand tools (interchangeable) (manufacture)
25730Punches for machine tools (interchangeable) (manufacture)
25730Rakes for garden use (manufacture)
25730Rasp (manufacture)
25730Reamer (manufacture)
25730Rock drilling and earth boring interchangeable tools (e.g. Augers, boring bits, drills)(manufacture)
25730Saws (hand tools) (manufacture)
25730Saws and sawblades (manufacture)
25730Scraper (hand tool) (manufacture)
25730Screwdrivers (manufacture)
25730Scythe (manufacture)
25730Secateurs (manufacture)
25730Shave hook (manufacture)
25730Shears for agricultural or horticultural use (manufacture)
25730Shears for garden use (manufacture)
25730Sheep shears (not power) (manufacture)
25730Shovels (manufacture)
25730Sickles (manufacture)
25730Slitting saw (manufacture)
25730Socket set (manufacture)
25730Spade (manufacture)
25730Spanner (manufacture)
25730Spoke shave (manufacture)
25730Tableting and pelleting press for the chemical industry (manufacture)
25730Tension strapping tool (manufacture)
25730Threading die (manufacture)
25730Threading tap (manufacture)
25730Tinman's snips (manufacture)
25730Tip for cutting tool (manufacture)
25730Tools (precision) (manufacture)
25730Tools except power driven hand tools (manufacture)
25730Tradesmen's knife (manufacture)
25730Treadle operated and other non power-operated tools (manufacture)
25730Trowel (not garden) (manufacture)
25730Twist drill (manufacture)
25730Vices (manufacture)
25730Wood boring bit (manufacture)
25730Wood chisel (manufacture)
25730Wrecking bars (manufacture)
25730Wrench (manufacture)