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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 51


25400Manufacture of weapons and ammunition


25400Air gun (manufacture)
25400Air pistol (manufacture)
25400Air rifle (manufacture)
25400Aircraft bomb (manufacture)
25400Ammunition (manufacture)
25400Arms (manufacture)
25400Artillery (manufacture)
25400Artillery ammunition (manufacture)
25400Automatic gun (manufacture)
25400Ballistic missile, except intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) (manufacture)
25400Bomb fuse (manufacture)
25400Carbine (manufacture)
25400Cartridge case (manufacture)
25400Cartridge primer (manufacture)
25400Cartridges for riveting guns (manufacture)
25400Conventional missiles (manufacture)
25400Directed energy weapons (manufacture)
25400Firearms for hunting, sporting or protective use (manufacture)
25400Flame throwers (manufacture)
25400Fuse for shells and bombs (manufacture)
25400Gas guns (manufacture)
25400Grenade (manufacture)
25400Guided weapon airborne delivery system, not intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) (manufacture)
25400Guided weapon warheads (manufacture)
25400Guided weapon, except intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) (manufacture)
25400Gun (manufacture)
25400Gun carriage mounting or platform (manufacture)
25400Howitzer (manufacture)
25400Machine gun (manufacture)
25400Military carbine (manufacture)
25400Military rifle (manufacture)
25400Mine case and component (manufacture)
25400Missiles (guided weapons), except intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) (manufacture)
25400Mortar (ordnance) (manufacture)
25400Mortar bomb (manufacture)
25400Ordnance (manufacture)
25400Pistol (manufacture)
25400Primer for cartridge (manufacture)
25400Revolver (manufacture)
25400Rocket launch systems (manufacture)
25400Shell case (manufacture)
25400Small arms (manufacture)
25400Sporting carbine (manufacture)
25400Sporting gun (manufacture)
25400Sporting rifle (manufacture)
25400Torpedo (manufacture)
25400Truncheons and night sticks (manufacture)
25400War ammunition (manufacture)
25400Water cannon (manufacture)
25400Weapons (manufacture)