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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 19


25120Manufacture of doors and windows of metal


25120Builders' carpentry and joinery made of metal (manufacture)
25120Casements made of metal (manufacture)
25120Curtain walling made of metal (manufacture)
25120Door frames made of metal (manufacture)
25120Doors (other than safe doors) made of metal (manufacture)
25120Double glazing made of metal (manufacture)
25120Garden frames made of metal (manufacture)
25120Gates made of metal (manufacture)
25120Glazing bars (manufacture)
25120Grilles made of metal (not cast) (manufacture)
25120Partitioning made of metal (manufacture)
25120Railings made of metal (manufacture)
25120Revolving doors made of metal (manufacture)
25120Room partitions made of metal, for floor attachment (manufacture)
25120Shop fronts and entrances made of aluminium (manufacture)
25120Shutters made of metal (manufacture)
25120Skylights made of metal (manufacture)
25120Window frames made of metal (manufacture)