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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 60


25110Manufacture of metal structures and parts of structures


25110Bus shelters made of metal (manufacture)
25110Chimneys made of steel (manufacture)
25110Column (fabricated structural steelwork) (manufacture)
25110Construction site huts made of metal (manufacture)
25110Fabricated structural steelwork for buildings (manufacture)
25110Flooring systems made of metal (manufacture)
25110Glasshouses with metal frame (manufacture)
25110Industrial ossature in metal (manufacture)
25110Lock gates (manufacture)
25110Metal frameworks for blast furnaces (manufacture)
25110Metal frameworks for construction of bridges (manufacture)
25110Metal frameworks for construction of masts (manufacture)
25110Metal frameworks for construction of towers (manufacture)
25110Metal frameworks for lifting and handling equipment (manufacture)
25110Metal skeletons for bridges (manufacture)
25110Metal skeletons for masts (manufacture)
25110Metal skeletons for towers (manufacture)
25110Metal structures and parts of structures (manufacture)
25110Modular exhibition elements made of metal (manufacture)
25110Monopod tower made of steel plate (manufacture)
25110Ossature in metal for construction (manufacture)
25110Pilings (tubular welded) (manufacture)
25110Pipeline supports (manufacture)
25110Plant support of fabricated steelwork (manufacture)
25110Portable building metalwork (manufacture)
25110Power structural steelwork (manufacture)
25110Prefabricated building metalwork (manufacture)
25110Prefabricated buildings made of metal (manufacture)
25110Racking systems for large scale heavy duty use in shops, workshops and warehouses (manufacture)
25110Radio and television masts made of metal (manufacture)
25110Roof trusses made of metal (manufacture)
25110Scaffolding (manufacture)
25110Security screens made of metal (manufacture)
25110Sheds made of metal (manufacture)
25110Shuttering made of steel (manufacture)
25110Sluice gates made of steel (manufacture)
25110Static drilling derricks (manufacture)
25110Steelwork for agricultural buildings (manufacture)
25110Steelwork for bridges (manufacture)
25110Steelwork for buildings (manufacture)
25110Steelwork for commercial buildings (manufacture)
25110Steelwork for distribution depots (manufacture)
25110Steelwork for docks (manufacture)
25110Steelwork for domestic buildings (manufacture)
25110Steelwork for exhibition centres (manufacture)
25110Steelwork for factory buildings (manufacture)
25110Steelwork for glass roofs (manufacture)
25110Steelwork for harbours (manufacture)
25110Steelwork for hospital buildings (manufacture)
25110Steelwork for jetties (manufacture)
25110Steelwork for school buildings (manufacture)
25110Steelwork for tunnels (manufacture)
25110Steelwork for viaducts (manufacture)
25110Structural steelwork for buildings (manufacture)
25110Structures for buildings made of aluminium (manufacture)
25110Structures for civil engineering made of aluminium (manufacture)
25110Telephone booths made of metal (manufacture)
25110Tower made of steel (manufacture)
25110Water tower made of steel plate (manufacture)