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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 66


24440Copper production


24440Bars made of brass (manufacture)
24440Bars made of copper (manufacture)
24440Billets made of brass (manufacture)
24440Billets made of copper (manufacture)
24440Blister copper (manufacture)
24440Blooms made of copper (manufacture)
24440Brass powder (manufacture)
24440Circles made of brass (manufacture)
24440Circles made of copper (manufacture)
24440Coils made of copper (manufacture)
24440Continuous cast rod made of copper (manufacture)
24440Copper refining (manufacture)
24440Copper smelting (manufacture)
24440Discs made of brass (manufacture)
24440Discs made of copper (manufacture)
24440Drawn products made of copper (manufacture)
24440Electrolytic copper (manufacture)
24440Extruded products made of copper (manufacture)
24440Fire refined copper (manufacture)
24440Flake made of copper (manufacture)
24440Foil made of brass (manufacture)
24440Foil made of copper (manufacture)
24440Fuse wire (manufacture)
24440Ingots made of brass (manufacture)
24440Ingots made of copper (manufacture)
24440Master alloys of copper (manufacture)
24440Mattes made of copper (manufacture)
24440Nickel silver (manufacture)
24440Pipe and pipe fittings made of brass (manufacture)
24440Pipe blanks made of copper (manufacture)
24440Pipe fittings made of copper (manufacture)
24440Pipes made of copper (manufacture)
24440Powder made of copper (manufacture)
24440Primary copper (manufacture)
24440Rods made of brass (manufacture)
24440Rods made of copper (manufacture)
24440Rolled products made of copper (manufacture)
24440Secondary copper (manufacture)
24440Sections made of brass (manufacture)
24440Sections made of copper (manufacture)
24440Semi-manufactures made of copper (manufacture)
24440Sheets made of brass (manufacture)
24440Sheets made of copper (manufacture)
24440Slabs made of brass (manufacture)
24440Slabs made of copper (manufacture)
24440Strips made of brass (manufacture)
24440Strips made of copper (manufacture)
24440Tube blanks made of copper (manufacture)
24440Tube fittings made of copper (manufacture)
24440Tube shells made of copper (manufacture)
24440Tubes made of brass (manufacture)
24440Tubes made of copper (manufacture)
24440Unwrought brass (manufacture)
24440Unwrought bronze (manufacture)
24440Unwrought cadmium copper (manufacture)
24440Unwrought copper (manufacture)
24440Unwrought cupro-nickel (manufacture)
24440Unwrought delta metal (manufacture)
24440Unwrought German silver (manufacture)
24440Unwrought gun metal (manufacture)
24440Unwrought manganese bronze (manufacture)
24440Unwrought naval brass (manufacture)
24440Unwrought red metal (manufacture)
24440Wire made of copper (uninsulated) (manufacture)
24440Wire rods made of copper (manufacture)