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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 39


22210Manufacture of plastic plates, sheets, tubes and profiles


22210Belting made of plastic (manufacture)
22210Blocks made of plastic (manufacture)
22210Carpet underlay made of plastic (manufacture)
22210Conveyor belts made of plastic (manufacture)
22210Decorative unsupported polyvinyl chloride film and sheet (manufacture)
22210Drainpipes and fittings made of plastic (manufacture)
22210Film and sheet of decorated unsupported polyvinyl chloride (manufacture)
22210Film made of cellophane (manufacture)
22210Film made of plastic (manufacture)
22210Film made of polyethylene (manufacture)
22210Film made of polypropylene (manufacture)
22210Film made of polythene (manufacture)
22210Film made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) (manufacture)
22210Flexible plastic foam (manufacture)
22210Foil made of plastic (manufacture)
22210Hose and pipe fittings made of plastic (manufacture)
22210Hose made of plastic (manufacture)
22210Laminate made wholly of plastics and/or transparent regenerated cellulose film (manufacture)
22210Laminated plastic film (manufacture)
22210Laminated thermosetting plastics sheet (manufacture)
22210Laminates made of plastic (manufacture)
22210Photographic film (unsensitized) (manufacture)
22210Photographic unsensitized film (manufacture)
22210Pipes and fittings made of plastic (manufacture)
22210Plastic semi-manufactures (manufacture)
22210Plates made of plastic (semi-manufactures) (manufacture)
22210Profile shapes of plastic materials (rods, tubes, etc.) (manufacture)
22210Rigid plastic foam (manufacture)
22210Sheets made of cellophane (manufacture)
22210Sheets made of laminated thermosetting plastic (manufacture)
22210Sheets made of plastic (manufacture)
22210Sheets made of polyethylene (manufacture)
22210Sheets made of polypropylene (manufacture)
22210Sheets made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) (manufacture)
22210Strips made of plastic (manufacture)
22210Tubes made of plastic (manufacture)
22210Tubing made of plastic (manufacture)
22210Vulcanized fibre (manufacture)