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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 47


17290Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard n.e.c.


17290Articles made of paper and paperboard n.e.c. (manufacture)
17290Blinds made of paper (manufacture)
17290Bobbins made of paper and paperboard (manufacture)
17290Bobbins, spools and cops made of paper and paperboard (manufacture)
17290Bonbon paper (manufacture)
17290Christmas cracker (manufacture)
17290Christmas decorations made of paper (manufacture)
17290Cigarette paper in booklets (manufacture)
17290Cigarette tube (manufacture)
17290Confetti paper (manufacture)
17290Cop paper (manufacture)
17290Cop tube (manufacture)
17290Cylinder made of hardened paper (manufacture)
17290Discs made of cardboard (manufacture)
17290Egg boxes made of paper (manufacture)
17290Egg trays and other moulded pulp packaging products (manufacture)
17290Filter paper and paperboard (cut to size) (manufacture)
17290Flexible paper packaging (manufacture)
17290Hats made of paper (manufacture)
17290Labels (unprinted) made of gummed paper (manufacture)
17290Labels (unprinted) made of paper (manufacture)
17290Mount cutting (manufacture)
17290Mounting paper on linen (manufacture)
17290Paper converting (unspecified) (manufacture)
17290Paper creping (manufacture)
17290Paper cut to size (not packaging products) (manufacture)
17290Paper embossing (manufacture)
17290Paper novelties (manufacture)
17290Paper or paperboard cards for use on jacquard machines (manufacture)
17290Paper patterns (manufacture)
17290Paper perforating (manufacture)
17290Paper shavings (manufacture)
17290Paper transfer for embroidery, etc. (manufacture)
17290Papier mache works (manufacture)
17290Pattern card (manufacture)
17290Photograph mount (manufacture)
17290Picture frame mount (manufacture)
17290Pleated paper (manufacture)
17290Spools made of paper (manufacture)
17290Stamp hinges (manufacture)
17290Tabulating machine cards (manufacture)
17290Ticket cutting and punching (manufacture)
17290Tube fittings made of paper (manufacture)
17290Tubes made of cardboard (not for packing) (manufacture)
17290Wood pulp vessel (manufacture)
17290Wrapping paper cut and packed in ready to use sheets or rolls (manufacture)