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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 27


17110Manufacture of pulp


17110Bleached paper pulp made by chemical dissolving (manufacture)
17110Bleached paper pulp made by mechanical processes (manufacture)
17110Bleached paper pulp made by non-dissolving processes (manufacture)
17110Bleached paper pulp made by semi-chemical processes (manufacture)
17110Chemical woodpulp (manufacture)
17110Cotton-linters pulp (manufacture)
17110Dissolving chemical wood pulp (manufacture)
17110Mechanical woodpulp (manufacture)
17110Pulp for paper (manufacture)
17110Pulping recycled paper (manufacture)
17110Recycled fibre pulp (manufacture)
17110Removal of ink from waste paper and subsequent manufacture of pulp (manufacture)
17110Semi-bleached paper pulp made by chemical dissolving (manufacture)
17110Semi-bleached paper pulp made by mechanical processes (manufacture)
17110Semi-bleached paper pulp made by non-dissolving processes (manufacture)
17110Semi-bleached paper pulp made by semi-chemical processes (manufacture)
17110Semi-chemical woodpulp (manufacture)
17110Sulphate and soda woodpulp (manufacture)
17110Sulphite woodpulp (manufacture)
17110Synthetic fibre woodpulp (manufacture)
17110Unbleached paper pulp made by chemical dissolving (manufacture)
17110Unbleached paper pulp made by mechanical processes (manufacture)
17110Unbleached paper pulp made by non-dissolving processes (manufacture)
17110Unbleached paper pulp made by semi-chemical processes (manufacture)
17110Vegetable fibre pulp (manufacture)
17110Wood pulp (manufacture)