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Search UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007). Empty search will display all groups. 5 digits will search on exact SIC code otherwise Name is searched. Click on a SIC code in the table to show only that group.

Groups: 1 Activities: 45


13922Manufacture of canvas goods, sacks etc.


13922Awnings (manufacture)
13922Bags made of canvas (manufacture)
13922Bags made of canvas or cotton cloth (manufacture)
13922Banner (making up) (manufacture)
13922Blinds made of canvas (manufacture)
13922Brattice cloth (manufacture)
13922Buckets made of canvas (manufacture)
13922Bunting (making-up) (manufacture)
13922Camping goods (manufacture)
13922Canvas goods (manufacture)
13922Car loose covers (manufacture)
13922Cart cover made of canvas (manufacture)
13922Covers made of waterproofed canvas (manufacture)
13922Escape chute for aircraft (manufacture)
13922Filter cloth (made-up) (manufacture)
13922Flag making up (manufacture)
13922Flexible ventilating ducting made of textiles (manufacture)
13922Haversack (manufacture)
13922Life Vests made of canvas (manufacture)
13922Lifejacket made of canvas (manufacture)
13922Machine covers (manufacture)
13922Made-up filter cloth (manufacture)
13922Made-up goods of sailcloth (manufacture)
13922Marquee (manufacture)
13922Parachute (manufacture)
13922Pennants (manufacture)
13922Perambulator awning (manufacture)
13922Rick cloths and covers (manufacture)
13922Roller blinds made of canvas (manufacture)
13922Sacks (woven) (manufacture)
13922Sacks and bags made of noil (manufacture)
13922Sacks for coal (manufacture)
13922Sacks made of canvas (manufacture)
13922Sacks made of jute (manufacture)
13922Sails (manufacture)
13922Shutes made of canvas (manufacture)
13922Stretchers made of canvas (manufacture)
13922Sun blinds (manufacture)
13922Tarpaulins (manufacture)
13922Tents (manufacture)
13922Tubes made of canvas for ventilating purposes (manufacture)
13922Wagon cover (manufacture)
13922Waterproofed covers made of canvas (manufacture)
13922Web equipment making-up (manufacture)